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GRAF: Great Rad-Ass Framework

This is a framework for Discord bots to use that makes it stupidly easy to build a bot with Node.js.
It is written in ES2017 using Babel, and is built on top of discord.js v9.


GRAF contains loads of functionality that any bots built on it can use. Here's a quick list:

  • Command framework (probably the most robust command system of any bot)
    • Plain names and aliases
    • Robust argument parsing (with "quoted strings" support)
    • Regular expression triggers
    • Multiple responses
    • Command editing
  • Module system (allows you to disable modules and individual commands per server)
  • Admin/moderator permissions (moderators are configurable)
  • Channel restrictions (allow the bot to operate only in specific channels in a server)
  • Storages to associate arbitrary data with a server
  • Configurable command prefix (change the trigger for commands)
  • Help system and detailed about command
  • Eval command with a system for registering your own objects to make available in its scope, and some utilities
  • Lots of utility methods to simplify your logic
  • Update checking for your bot
  • Stats sending to Carbon and bots.discord.pw


GRAF allows bots to accept commands in multiple formats. You may use a command by prefixing it with the command prefix (default !) or the bot's mention (e.g. @SomeBot#1337). Use !help or @SomeBot#1337 help, for example. The prefix is configurable on a server-by-server basis, with the prefix command. The bot will also handle commands in DMs.

See the usage documentation for information about permissions.


Command Permission required Description
help Displays a list of available commands, or detailed information for a specified command.
about Displays information about the bot.


Command Permission required Description
modules Administrator Lists all modules.
togglemodule Administrator Toggles a module or command.
enablemodule Administrator Enables a module or command.
disablemodule Administrator Disables a module or command.

Moderator roles

Command Permission required Description
modroles Administrator Lists all moderator roles.
addmodrole Administrator Adds a moderator role.
deletemodrole Administrator Deletes a moderator role.
clearmodroles Administrator Clears all of the moderator roles.


Command Permission required Description
allowedchannels Lists all channels command operation is allowed in.
allowchannel Administrator Allows command operation in a channel.
disallowchannel Administrator Disallows command operation in a channel.
clearallowedchannels Administrator Clears all of the allowed channels.


Command Permission required Description
prefix Shows or sets the command prefix.
eval Owner Evaluates input as JavaScript.